May 6Liked by Spikey Katfish

I am in the midst of editing my next book, Bryant, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate this.

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Dude, YOU'VE WRITTEN THREE ALREADY!?!?!?! I'm quite sure you've got it under control. And I still have your trilogy to read! On my reading list for "this year sometime" :)

No matter what someone says about your books, it still won't be worse than when a college professor wrote "I can't read any more. Come see me." on one of my first papers.

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May 6Liked by Spikey Katfish

Haha - that was harsh. There were actually four books in that trilogy. The characters (and several readers) felt I had too many unanswered questions. In any case, the 4th book came out last September. The book I hope to release in June is not part of the series. I have removed (seems like) a million comma splices and other such errors. Someone wrote to tell me they would have used a different word in a sentence. "93,000 words and you didn't like one of them?"

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It was legit criticsm; was awful. Not as bad as a paper I did on King Lear later that year, but bad.

OK, I did kinda know that about your trilogy :)

Seriously? One word? LOL. I'll skim a 300 word post and question at least three word choices I've made!

Comma splice, whatever, remember my inform/edoc adage: if you make the same mistake repeatedly, it's now house style.

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Haha! I love that!

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